Thursday, November 3, 2016

The Flash: Monster Review

By: Ashley Binion (@ashleybinion)

“Monster” was moreso a study of the different characters of The Flash interacting than a plot, villain, or mythology-heavy episode.

Warning: Spoilers ahead.

“Monster” felt very much like a stand-alone episode. It was one of those episodes that anyone could watch and know what was going on. There was no mythology, no Big Bad, and little reference to Flashpoint. Instead, it was a heavy character-driven episode with different combinations of characters interacting.

Praise the lords of Kobol, Caitlin finally has a storyline all to herself. It was fun to see Killer Frost last season on Earth-2, but actually watching her transform this season has been wonderful. Considering what the character has gone through so far in the series, it wouldn’t be surprising if Caitlin turns into a villain. Her mother barely has time to be bothered with her, she was deceived by Hunter Zolomon, she was kidnapped by Grodd, and her fiancĂ© died (allegedly). She’s had it rough.

We should be thankful we even got backstory about Caitlin’s life; it only took 51 episodes. Unfortunately, Caitlin has been an undeveloped character throughout the series, and probably the least developed character besides Iris. Since we met Caitlin in the pilot, she has stayed static. So having her interact with her mother for the first time, on screen, was extremely important.

The monster, or villain, this week was so dull. It looked too similar to Cloverfield‘s monster. Actually, the more I saw it, the more it started to bother me. I understand that the show needs a villain every week for Barry to fight – the show is called The Flash, after all – but I actually think this episode would have benefited from having no villain at all. That’s how forgettable the villain was.

However, I am loving Hipster Wells. At first I was angry that once again the series decided to make Wells a suspicious character. That’s a beat you can only hit so many times without it becoming repetitive. I was so relieved when he wasn’t up to anything nefarious.

Hipster Wells is completely different than any incarnation of Wells we have seen in the past. It’s a testament to the fantastic work of Tom Cavanagh and the writing staff. Few actors could do what Cavanagh is doing on a season-to-season basis. There are so many different possible versions of Wells as we saw that last episode, I will never tire of watching Cavanagh transform. This is exactly why the series needs him around.

As Hipster Wells would say: Until next communion.

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

via The Nerd Machine

Entertainment Earth

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