Thursday, October 6, 2016

Interview with Dr. Andrew Knoll, Harvard Professor and Science Advisor on Terrence Malick’s Voyage of Time

By: Haylee Fisher (@haylee_fisher)

“The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and science. He to whom the emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand wrapped in awe, is as good as dead – his eyes are closed.”
– Albert Einstein

Terrence Malick’s upcoming film Voyage of Time explores these ideals Einstein considered and seeks to demonstrate the intersection of art and science to show the wonder of the creation of the universe. And though Malick himself has been working on Voyage of Time for decades, human nature has attempted to fathom our beginnings since Paleolithic times.

In his research and production for the film, Malick collaborated with Dr. Andrew Knoll, Fisher Professor of Natural History at Harvard University. I recently spoke with Dr. Knoll about how he met Malick, his work on the film, how he hopes it inspires viewers, and more.

How did you first come to know Terrence Malick and how did your relationship evolve into you becoming the scientific advisor on Voyage of Time?

I first met Terry more than 20 years ago. He simply called my office, and said, “My name is Terrence Malick and I’m interested in making a film on the history of life, and I’ll be in Cambridge next week, can we have lunch?” [Laughs] We sat down and talked and I must admit, the idiot I am, it was only about halfway through the lunch that I was sitting there thinking, “Wait a second, this guy made Badlands!” And I realized the he was, in fact, not your average documentary filmmaker! And then time goes on and Terry had other projects, but about six or seven years ago, he decided the time was right to do this project and try and do it right and for whatever reason, he was generous enough to ask me to be his chief science advisor and so over the last six years, we’ve talked a lot and I’ve looked at different storyboards and scripts with that and different iterations of the film. Obviously I’m not a filmmaker – there’s nothing you see on the screen that is a result of my genius! But my job was really to help Terry understand the science of that and that the science behind his artistic vision was accurate.

What surprised you the most in working with him? Was it the attention to detail, his commitment to the project after so many years…?

In some ways, I think what I have found just fascinating is the originality of Terry’s take on this story. And we’re all familiar with PBS and BBC documentaries and they’re beautifully well done, but Terry was actually interested in something else. I think he’s really interested in not only exploring this nearly 14 billion year history of the universe as it unfolds, but that we’re actually the product of that. So in some ways, his movie is inviting us to realize just what an awesome thing that is and that I really enjoyed because his take on this is so different from anything that I could have imagined and it was fun to watch it unfold.

Yeah, I know you’ve said in the past that had you made this film, you would have made it differently, maybe more in that documentary style. What makes the style used the right way to tell this story?

I’m not sure there is a right way and a wrong way. I think we need to have multiple ways of telling this story and I think what I like about this way is that it invites all of us, whether you’re a scientist like I am or a high school student, just to sit back and say, “You know, what we have learned about the universe and about the history of life and about ourselves in that context is really extraordinary.” In some ways, it’s good to step back and appreciate what an awesome thing that is.

What do you think was the biggest challenge in making the movie?

I think there are many things because of their scale that are not easy to visualize. Everything from the Big Bang to the microbial world, and I really like both the computer work, the CGI – that I wasn’t involved in – and also some of the choices of the footage that sort of provides an analogy. So for example, when Terry is talking about the Cambrian explosion, this time more than 500 million years ago when the animals diversified through the ocean, he actually does it with some stunning footage of living invertebrate animals. There are some great little scenes with horseshoe crabs, cuttlefish, and octopus that are really evocative. I really like the way he did it.

So what was the catalyst in your life that sparked your interest in Earth sciences and everything else you study?

I grew up in the Appalachians and I used to go out and collect fossils just for a hobby and it never would have occurred to me that I could make a living working with fossils! [Laughs] So when I went to college, I decided I would be an engineer and being particularly brilliant, I realized after a year, I don’t want to be an engineer! I didn’t know quite what I wanted to do, but I remembered what was so important in my life and I was sitting in my room one evening and thought, “Well, I really like geology. I really like biology.” And I had this kind of epiphany that I didn’t have to choose between them, that there were all these places where Earth and life intersected and that I could make a living at that intersection, which is basically how I’ve spent the last 40 years.

How do you think this film will inspire others like your past inspired you?

I hope that what it will do will be to just appeal to the innate curiosity of school kids through retirees. I think curiosity is maybe the greatest thing we’ve been given as human beings and I think you would have to be…it’s hard for me not to imagine someone becoming curious because of this movie.

Yeah, that sort of leads in to my next question: the movie seeks to explore and explain the beginning of time and the evolution of the universe. Why do you think we are so fascinated about where we come from?

I think most of us are fascinated just to know that our grandparents came from Poland or something like that. I think we all appreciate that we are the products of history and whether it’s our own history or our family’s history or the history that Terry’s telling about, which is the biggest imaginable history, I think that there’s something deeply appealing. For me to know that I am the product of this immensely long history of the universe, that’s really interesting! How can you not be interested in that?

It is pretty cool! And not to get too political, but how do you hope this film influences peoples’ way of thinking about how the universe was created?

Well, with the philosophical nature of this and if you want to imbue the story with spirituality, there’s nothing in this film to stop you. What it doesn’t admit is a fundamentalist view that says that this cosmic carpenter made us in seven days, so I don’t think the film forces you to take a particular philosophical or spiritual position, as long as you realize that this story, even at its most canonical, scientific story, is just one of the best stories we have.

Yeah, I haven’t seen it yet, but in doing research, it seems like it covers so much!

It does, and in the IMAX version, it covers it in 45 minutes. So it is very impressionistic, intentionally so. And I should say, because this is very important to Terry, that to go with the movie, an educational website will soon go online. So for example, there are points in the movie where there are these very abstract impressionist vignettes and on the website, you’ll click on something that’s supposed to represent the Big Bang and you’ll have a short clip from a prominent astrophysicist explaining what the science is behind it. So there will be a more overt educational arm to this project.

That’s really cool! I’ll have to check it out! And finally, what do you hope people are surprised by and take away from the film?

I think they’ll be surprised by – and I realize I sound like Donald Trump here – but they’re going to be surprised by the awesomeness of it. That it is visually stunning and I think that the idea that you can take something that sometimes seems as dry as science and portray it as an artist, with this extraordinary visual artistry, I think that will surprise people and I hope it will delight them.

Yeah, the clips that I’ve seen look beautiful.

They really are! The first time I saw a preliminary version of this, I was just awestruck. It’s quite amazing.

Voyage of Time will be released tomorrow. Check out a trailer here.

via The Nerd Machine

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Wonder Woman: 75 Years of Heroics

Wonder Woman: 75 Years of Heroics

A 75 Year Legacy

DCE Editorial
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Third DC Super Hero Girls Original Graphic Novel ‘Wonder Woman: Summer Olympus’ set to Debut July 2017

Official Press Release
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Arrow: Legacy Review

By: Ashley Binion (@ashleybinion)

“Legacy” marked the beginning of Arrow’s fifth season and it returned the show to its first season grit, fight sequences, and moral ambiguity.

Warning: Spoilers ahead.

Coming into season five, I didn’t, and still don’t, have any expectations. After five years, I’ve learned that Arrow has many different personalities. Sometimes it can deliver big, sweeping, dramatic storylines like Deathstroke in season two. Other times, it delivers the complete and utter nonsense that was season three. I have no idea where this season will take us, but “Legacy” was a solid start. There were no nonsense storylines and character choices felt organic. Arguably, this is one of Arrow’s continuing problems: characters acting out of character.

Let’s talk about the flashbacks. We are finally getting the Bratva storyline. This is something that should have been done a season or two ago. For some reason they were stalling this particular flashback arc, but I’m glad it’s here. Anything that involves Anatoli automatically makes everything better. It hearkens back to a time where the flashbacks were relevant: season two. Evoking season two nostalgia is the best way to go.

“Legacy” had two standout characters: Lance and Thea. These characters have had genuine arcs and their struggles in the episode were real, especially Thea, who has turned into Arrow’s most interesting character. Lance can never catch a break. His scenes with Oliver were a highlight just because they rarely have one-on-one scenes. It’s an aspect of the series that should be exploited more because those two actors have incredible chemistry.

Remarkably, the fight sequences were better. Arrow has always done well with their fight scenes, but the type of fighting has evolved over time. Of course, this directly correlates to the type of hero, or vigilante, Oliver wants to be. In “Legacy,” Oliver has chosen to regress into a killer, a la season one, which inherently changes the fight scene to one that is more violent and brutal. The first fight scene in particular was great. Oliver takes too few punches and hits whenever he fights, so it was refreshing to see him take a hit.

Arrow continues to recycle Oliver’s growth and regression storyline. Usually the cycle is contained to one episode where he blames himself for everything. However, it looks like this regression storyline will take longer to develop. It’s actually a welcome sight to see Oliver take a more season one approach to his heroism.

I loved the callback to the pilot where Oliver breaks free from being tied to a chair, breaks said chair, and proceeds to break the other guy’s back. When a series has history to draw upon, it’s fun to see the writers call back. This was especially relevant because Anatoli was the one to show him how to break free. Also, you could spot the Russian vodka bottle Oliver has in the first flashback scene.

Oliver did have more quips in this episode that he has had in the past. That’s always been one of my favorite parts of the Green Arrow character and thankfully he’s starting to grow in that area.

Felicity having a new boyfriend should not have been in this episode. Especially since it was revealed at the end of the episode. It felt forced. A part of me wishes we never knew that because this show is about Oliver, not about who Felicity is currently dating. Oh, and a quick shoutout to Tyler Ritter playing Felicity’s new boyfriend. He looks so much like his brother I actually thought it was Jason Ritter for a split second.

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

via The Nerd Machine

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The Flash: Flashpoint Review

By: Ashley Binion (@ashleybinion)

After the cliffhanger in The Flash’s season two finale, “Race of His Life,” we all knew what we were going to get in the season three premiere: Flashpoint. Did the series deliver on one of The Flash’s most iconic storylines? Let’s find out.

Warning: Spoilers ahead.

I’m hesitant to write this sentence, but I’m going to do it anyway. The episode left me feeling annoyed. With “Flashpoint,” The Flash could have done better. They should have done better. They have done better. Look at the entirety of season one. For 23 episodes, they told a story that felt new and fresh. I was looking for something new and fresh in “Flashpoint.” Really, this didn’t happen. Of course there were different versions of characters much like season two’s Earth-2 extravaganza. But, the story was lacking.

At this point, I think the series needs a permanent restart. This would’ve been the perfect opportunity to do that. But, what did they do? They somewhat continued with the Flashpoint idea by having Barry travel back to his timeline with repercussions. Essentially, they restarted another restart. Ugh.

The major problem with this second restart is that the viewers need to be invested in Iris. At this point, I’m still not invested in her. Do I care that she and Joe have a rift in their relationship? No. Hopefully there are more repercussions revealed in the next episode.

The number one aspect that annoyed me most in “Flashpoint” was that once again the series decided to kill off Barry’s mom. They need to stop. I know, I know – this is the central catalyst to Barry being The Flash. It’s an essential part of his character that needs to stay in place. However, The Flash continues to play with the idea of saving versus killing his mom. The writers need to pick one and stick with it. The storyline feels like it is being wasted and recycled with the constant waffling.

Overall, the re-killing of Barry’s mom would have been better served in this episode if we saw more than three quick glances of his parents’ happiness and only hearing about how happy Barry has been the past three months. Flashpoint needed to be longer than 43 minutes. It was rushed. The Flash has 23 episodes to play with every season and making Flashpoint last this short of time is a disservice.

Maybe Flashpoint should have been saved for the annual crossover event. Seeing how the entire ‘Arrow-verse’ changed would have been much more interesting and broader than the intimate and rushed Flashpoint we got in this episode.

There were parts in the episode that were excellent. Once again, the cast continues to bring their acting chops. Being able to play different versions of the same character is a great test of an actor’s ability and so far they have risen to the occasion every time. The Rival’s lava-looking suit was different for a speedster, especially with the funky looking earpieces. Wally was a fun Kid Flash. It’s exciting that Dr. Alchemy is on his way. And, the Reverse-Flash continues to be a superb villain.

Rating: 3.5 out of 5

via The Nerd Machine

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