Thursday, November 10, 2016

Star Trek Beyond (Blu-ray Review)


In a summer packed with so many big-budgeted blockbusters, Star Trek Beyond was able to soar as an original, fun-filled adventure aboard the USS Enterprise. The third installment in the newly rebooted franchise continues to explore the cosmos with wonder and excitement. J.J. Abrams retires the franchise (he was working on some other franchise, can’t recall the name) and hands the chair over to Justin Lin.


After a surprise attack on the USS Enterprise by mysterious dictator Krall (Idris Elba), members of the Enterprise are forced to crash land on unknown terrain. Krall is a lizard-esque creature who gets energy by sucking the life out of his enemies. To continue his reign, Krall requires an ancient device located aboard the Enterprise. Captain Kirk (Chris Pine), Commander Spock (Zachary Quinto), Lieutenant Uhura (Zoe Saldana) and the rest of the crew must now go to war against their enemies and find a way off this deadly planet.


Star Trek Beyond tries to have a fun time, and it’s just that. It doesn’t try to be overly complicated, nor does it aim to alienate old Trekkies. It’s a pretty straightforward action-adventure film that elevates above the standard blockbuster with stunning action sequences, a stellar cast and a solid soundtrack from the wonderful Michael Giacchino. There are two touching tributes to the late Leonard Nemoy and Anton Yelchin at the end that carries some heavy weight for longtime Trekkies and newcomers alike.


When the crew crash lands on the planet, they are split up – with the Bones and Spock scenes being most memorable. There’s always been good chemistry between Karl Urban and Zachary Quinto in the previous movies, but it’s been fed to us in small doses. Star Trek Beyond gives us the chance to fully experience the incredible dynamic between the two polar opposite beings. They push each other’s buttons so much and carry some brilliant conversations.


The action sequences are admittedly impressive, but it’s the character interactions that really sell this film. The whole cast delivers in immense ways. It’s incredibly satisfying to see all of these beloved characters done justice while simultaneously adapting to a fresher age of entertainment.


Star Trek Beyond is now available to purchase on Blu-ray and Digital.



Matt Goodman
via The Nerd Machine

Entertainment Earth

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