Monday, June 20, 2016

Fan Expo Dallas 2016 Panels

By: Roni Sepulveda (@vRONIs)

Even though I’ve been fighting off the wicked con crud for almost a week, FanExpo Dallas was an excellent convention. One of the key aspects to any great convention, is a great panel. I was lucky to attend four. Below are highlights from each.

Hayley Atwell


Peter Capaldi


In his first U.S. convention outside of Comic Con, Peter Capaldi gave a fantastic array of answers.

▪ If he could write his own Doctor Who episode, what would he want to see? “How the doctor and his granddaughter came to be? He left her and didn’t come back, I want to see him come back.”
▪ Peter was star-struck when he met Peter Cushing. He met Cushing at a charity signing in his home town and received a free autograph. He was so obsessed with the autograph he modeled his own autograph on his since they were both P.C.
▪ What 3 historical figures would he bring on the TARDIS? “Prince, Alan Rickman, and David Bowie, and we would party.”
▪ Favorites musical? “Cabaret, Book of Mormon, and The Lion King was quite good.”
▪ What his ideal TARDIS interior would be “a cross between Hartnell and Baker’s TARDIS.”
▪ His final thoughts to a young kid who wants to be The Doctor: “Make the very best with the gifts that you’re given. Bring creativity to the world.”

Daredevil with Jon Bernthal & Elden Henson


Jon and Elden were fantastic.

▪ Responding to the Netflix creative freedom: Jon stated it was a great group of people and telling the story in 13 episodes at once reduces the risk of people turning their back on the Punisher if they had to wait a week to see why he does what he does.
▪ When asked if they binged, Elden responded he was still on episode 3.
▪ When asked about the other Netflix shows, Elden said Luke Cage will be the best of all of them and he’s excited to see the show.
▪ When asked about who Karen would date to make Matt jealous, Foggy or Frank: Jon said he saw his daughter in her. He opened up to her because Karen is what he imagined his daughter would become, feisty and kind.
▪ Jon understands why nerds are so passionate. Comics allow for so much imagination, it creates ownership in the reader. He knew it was a great responsibility taking on the role.


▪ Elden is a movie nerd.
▪ Jon feels he wouldn’t have been able to do the part without being a husband and father and loving something more than himself.
▪ When asked if he sought out darker material or if he would be interested in a romantic comedy, Jon said he would love to if they would “take my ugly ass in a rom-com, I would do it.” This was answered with “awws” from the audience.
▪ Between Foggy and Fulton (Bash Bro from Mighty Ducks) who would win a fight? “Fulton” – Elden
▪ Between Elektra and Punisher who would win a fight? Elden: “Mind Blown” Jon: “Elektra”

Candice Patton


Candice Patton is a Texas girl and a sweetheart. Her Iris West is a strong woman and an excellent role model for all.

▪ Candice is partial to Earth-2 Iris
▪ Individual directors are given a lot of freedom; Kevin Smith was daring enough to do it.
▪ When asked what Earth-3 Iris would be like she said an Amazonian.
▪ When asked how she felt after her audition: “Awful! I couldn’t remember lines and thought I bombed it.”
▪ When she screen-tested with Grant, their chemistry was instant. “I wanted to tickle him and I don’t know what girl wouldn’t want to tickle Grant Gustin.”
▪ Her chemistry with Jesse (Joe West) was quick as well. She knew it would be a friendship for life.
▪ Tom (Harrison Wells) is such a kid and cracks jokes all day.
▪ She’s just as frustrated as fans are that “Barry chose his mom over Iris. #WestAllenForever”
▪ She’s proud and humbled “an iconic character will now be known as a black woman.”

Many thanks to all of the gracious talent who visited with fans and took time answering questions. Below are just a few while signing.

Amy Acker being gracious.

Amy Acker being gracious.

Arthur Darvill listening intently to fans.

Arthur Darvill listening intently to fans.

George Takei having a blast!

George Takei having a blast!

Jack Gleeson signing autographs.

Jack Gleeson signing autographs.

To the Dallas convention goers, you all had fantastic questions. As a regular convention goer, you never really know what to expect from the audience. Everyone was appropriate, there wasn’t too much repetition, and there were many thoughtful questions. Also a special thank you to the moderators and volunteers!

Hope to see you next year at this great con!

Nerd On!

via The Nerd Machine

Entertainment Earth

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